Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Step 3: Research

So, after all of the emotion and all of the passion and all of the joy and all of the tears ... comes all of the WORK.

I take that back ... comes all of the QUESTIONS.

Because, I know that there's a lot of work ahead of me.  But I have no idea where to start.  My mentors have given me some ideas, but the journey is mine to create.  That leaves me with a lot of questions...

  • Do I need to get a music degree? 
  • If yes, how do I figure out what school, what program, what courses...
  • If no, how do I pick up some music theory, conducting, etc. skills I'll need?  
  • How do I get practical experience?
  • How do I get the knowledge and skills to not look like a fool while I'm getting experience?
  • Will I qualify for the UUMN credentialing program?  
  • How well do I need to be able to play piano?
  • Should I take piano lessons?

So, I'm spending the next couple of weeks researching.  Looking online, talking to folks, consulting with my mentors, trying to come up with a development plan of my very own.

But there are also the more practical questions like...
  • How do I create a financial plan for this career change?
  • Should I try to expand my consulting business to supplement my income?
  • What should the timeline for leaving my day job look like?

Ahhh... That last question.  It is *SO* difficult to find joy in my current work environment.  Through no fault of my boss or co-workers, I have been challenged to keep myself engaged in my day job.  Now that I've figured out what I really want to do, I know what I don't want to do, and it's a struggle to keep focused on a job that's just paying the bills.  I'm hoping that getting my financial plan together will remind me WHY I need my day job for at least another year or two.  There are credit card debts to be settled and savings to accrue before I make any sudden moves.  And if I need to pay for schooling or lessons, even more reason.  So the faster I can get a plan on paper, the better.

It's tough.  I see the vision and I want it all now.  But I also want to be responsible and well prepared to be the best Music Director I can be.  Patience.


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