Friday, July 25, 2014

And Then This Happened

It was just your average Tuesday.
Except it wasn't.
After years of searching, stretching from high school through my mid-30s, I woke up with one single thought.

I want to be a UU Music Director.

No other thought came to my head. (Except maybe, "What time is my flight again?")

I want to be a UU Music Director.

When I thought this thought, it made me glad.
It made me excited.
It made me want to cry.

I want to be a UU Music Director.

It was if my entire life led to this thought in this moment.
On a Tuesday morning.
On my way to the airport.

I want to be a UU Music Director.

Ordinarily, I'd take time to analyze a thought like this. I mean, I don't have a music degree. What I know about music I've learned through paying attention to my choir conductors and singing in every group that invited me to sing.

I want to be a UU Music Director.

Ordinarily, I'd spend time considering the likelihood that this would work. Musicians intimidate me. Until a couple of years ago, I wouldn't even call myself a musician. I decided musicians were people who got paid for music. And I do not.

I want to be a UU Music Director.

Ordinarily, I'd write off a thought like this because I have two kids that somehow need to get through college in a few years.

I want to be a UU Music Director.

Nothing wavered in this thought. Nothing.

I want to be a UU Music Director.

And so it began... my musical journey.  Thanks for joining me.

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