Thursday, July 31, 2014

Step 2: Find a Mentor.. Or 2... Or 10.

I have been truly humbled by the response to my calling to be a UU Music Director.  I'm equally amazed by the number of people who have offered to help me in some way.  I am reminded that I have surrounded myself with good people, and that this is an ideal time in my life to take on this challenge.

To find mentors, I didn't need to look far.  And both offered their time and talents as soon as they heard my story.

Wendel is the current UU Music Director for 3 area churches and the Music Coordinator for the UU General Assembly for the next 2 years.  As you can probably guess, he's well connected in the denomination.  Beyond that, he's an accomplished musician, conductor, and educator.  Of course, that also means he has a lot of work to do -- and some of that can be delegated to some poor unsuspecting aspiring music director.  This fall, I'll have chance to lead choir warm ups and direct the choir in a song or two.  I'm so excited and thankful for these opportunities.

Nancy is our previous ORUUC Music Director and the first UU choir director I ever had the honor of singing for.  She has a completely different style from Wendel, so it's great to learn from their diverse perspectives.  Nancy started as the church accompanist, then choir director, then music director before retiring from the role.  Her gift is really wonderful insights into the practical side of the role, from planning rehearsals to staying on top of choir music.  Nancy and I had a really nice talk today about everything from making ends meet on a musician's salary to giving voice lessons.

I imagine that these won't be my only two mentors on this path.  But they're the first two, and for that I'll always be grateful.

Guess what?  If you're reading this, you're probably going to be my mentor at some point, too.  I like to ask questions.  I like to hear what people think.  I have spent my career up until this point digesting large amounts of information and highlighting the most important nuggets, so it's one thing about this journey that I feel totally prepared for.

Feel free to comment below with any nuggets of wisdom about Music Directors.  Whether you have been part of the choir or directing it, I know there's something I can learn from you.

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