Tuesday, September 30, 2014

2 for 1 Special - Part 2: Living the Dream

This past Sunday, through the remnants of my cold (see Part 1), I got the first taste of living my dream.  I directed the choir in a short hymn called "The Great Community".  My hands moved, I smiled, the choir sang, the congregation listened... It all happened. <Insert sigh of happiness>

It was an incredible day for my directing debut!  This was the last Sunday that we held services in our current location.  I'm looking forward to conducting the piece again next Sunday as we open our new building.

2 for 1 Special - Part 1: Ms. Dependable

Just about anyone who knows me will gladly tell you: I'm Ms. Dependable.  If you need someone to show up, someone to get it done, someone to come prepared - you've come to the right place.  It's part of my identity, my core.

So, imagine what happened this week when I caught a cold and couldn't follow through on a gig with my friends - a gig that we've been rehearsing for months.  A gig that ended up being postponed. I felt horrible.  And, it was a decision that I couldn't even make myself. I had to basically be told to stop trying and start resting!  What a foreign concept.

When I tried to explain to my 8-year-old this situation - someone else canceling our gig because I was sick, she said, "That's so nice."  Which is when I realized - sometimes friends take care of you, even when you refuse to be helped.

I have been pushing myself lately - physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I needed some down time and my body tried really hard to tell me that.  I wouldn't listen.  But my friends, they listened.  And, kicking and screaming, I went to bed -- thinking there was NO WAY I could possibly fall asleep.  After all, I'm not sick...


I'm still fighting off the end of the cold, but I had several nights and one full day where I've done nothing but sleep.  It's been marvelous and rejuvenating.  I think I'll do it again some time.  :)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

An Emotional Day

Today... was an emotional day.  As in, real tears and stuff.  Stuff that I am not used to, but slowly progressing toward becoming more open with.

Nancy Mathias and I led service this morning.  We shared our stories about our experience to UUMN this summer.  We shared our life-changing moments.  For weeks, we've been preparing - selecting the music, rehearsing with the band, picking just the perfect words to open the service, and writing our testimonials. It's a lot of work to plan a service, but being so emotionally vested in it made us work that much harder.  We wanted to share an experience, not just a story.  And from the feedback we received, I think we achieved that.

But it meant sharing this story - my story of my journey toward becoming a UU Music Director - aloud.  And that was really emotional for me.  It's much easier to type my story here in the blog, where I can take a moment to breathe or shed a tear and no one sees it.  In front of our congregation, there's nowhere to hide.  It's opening myself to be vulnerable in a whole new way.  It was both challenging and rewarding.  Thank you to everyone who shared a comment with me after the service.  I treasure every word.

As if that weren't enough excitement for one day, our congregation ordained a new minister today, too!  She has been the Director of Faith Formation for many years and followed her calling to ministry.  I have to admit, I spent most of her ordination service crying because Tandy has had such a huge influence on my family.  It starts with the story I often tell about Tandy rescuing me at our first church retreat when our undiagnosed Aspie son had a melt down in the middle of the dinner line.  We were so embarrassed and ran off to our bunkhouse instead of eating dinner.  Next thing we know, Tandy is at the bunkhouse door with bread and butter, encouraging us to eat and calm down before we talk over what happened. It was one of the first moments that I felt supported and connected in our church community.

Tandy went on to support our family in so many ways as we struggled with our son... In RE classes, she worked to provide him with 1:1 mentor volunteers so that he could attend class without burdening the teachers.  And she provided classes on Love & Logic parenting, so we could be better equipped as parents.

Tandy also nurtured my spiritual growth through her role in our Celebration service.  It was my first experience in a contemporary, participatory worship format and Tandy made it accessible and welcoming.  It's a feeling I try to pass on to others through my role as a leader in the SPIRIT faith formation group.

There are so many other wonderful things I could mention about Tandy, but for now I'll just say that she's been incredibly inspiring to me.  And I was so proud to join our congregation in ordaining her today.

And there you have it.  Another day in and out of tears, celebrating my personal calling and the calling of those who mean so much to me.  Maybe one day soon it won't be so foreign for me to shed tears of joy, to be so powerfully moved that I can't help but cry.

For tonight, though, I'm emotionally exhausted.  Overjoyed, but spent.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Music Surrounds Me

Sometimes, I forget I have a day job.

You know, the one that pays me to develop corporate training.  The one that pays the bills and is financing this whole UU Music Director journey.

But it's really easy to forget when music surrounds me.  Take this past week for example.

Tuesday, I spent time with Nancy Mathias selecting music for an upcoming service at ORUUC.  (Nancy and I will be sharing our stories from the UUMN conference on 9/21 - join us!)  From there, I went to Westside UU Church to crash their choir rehearsal in an effort to understand the variety in choir sizes and demographics.  They welcomed me with open arms and I think I'll keep coming back.

Wednesday, I rehearsed with the ORUUC choir and band.  I led warm ups and rehearsed the choir on the piece I'll be conducting on 9/28.  The band is preparing to help Nancy and I with our service on 9/21 as well as a local community event (Taste of Oak Ridge) on 9/20.

Thursday, I went for an audition for the Knoxville Chamber Chorale, the small ensemble of the Knoxville Choral Society.  Immediately afterward, I headed to a rehearsal for the Vocal Big Band, a vocal jazz ensemble led by Wendel Werner.  We have a concert on 9/12 at the Square Room.

Friday, I met with one of my mentors, Nancy Starr.  We talked about preparing to apply for undergraduate music degree programs, music infrastructure (what to keep track of and how to keep track of it), and a bit of conducting.

Saturday, I met with my other mentor, Wendel.  We discussed the contrast of ORUUCs choir with Westside's - like how to address different needs by altering the rehearsal style.  We also talked about music degree programs in terms of who to talk to and how each program has a unique culture.  My mentor meeting was followed by a rehearsal with Wendel and Dave Dunkirk for a show we're doing at Remedy Coffee on 9/27.  The rehearsal was followed by another meeting with Wendel and Nancy Mathias, where we caught up on all things ORUUC Music to make sure we have all the logistics and volunteers coordinated for upcoming events.

Today, I staffed the Music and SPIRIT booths in the ORUUC Activities Fair.  We got a couple new names for the choir, which is very exciting!  (Come sing with us!)  I spent the afternoon in another Vocal Big Band rehearsal.  Then I came home to rehearse for another audition tomorrow for the Chorale as well as music for leading Westside's rehearsal on Tuesday night.

Tomorrow it starts all over again.  I have a music rehearsal or performance every day from now until Sept. 24, with the notable exception of Sept 19, when I'll enjoy Namoli Brennet singing at ORUUC instead.  (Tickets are still available at oruuc.org/events.)

Sometimes I forget I have a day job.