Saturday, November 29, 2014

With Thanks...

It's the end of November and I have so much to be grateful for.  So consider this both an update and a list of all of the many things I have been thankful for this month.

I am thankful...

... that talking to kids about music is not nearly as scary as I thought it would be.  First, I spent an hour talking about music and singing and dancing and conducting with the Girl Scouts.  Then, I started working with a kids choir for the church.  We've got a good group of about 15 kids who, so far, are very enthusiastic and humor me when I quiz them on the lyrics or cup my hand to my ear like I can't hear them.  A couple of them even came back for the second rehearsal!

... for Stevie Wonder bringing his tour within driving distance -- and for Nancy and Deidre who agreed to a ridiculous down-and-back in one night schedule so I could show up for church on Sunday morning.  I have such a hard time describing my overwhelming joy in attending this concert.  Incredible is not nearly a strong enough word.  For close to 3.5 hours, he and his musicians entertained in a way that surpassed all of my expectations.  I took a few short videos of all of my favorite songs just to remind me of what it was like to be there, in that moment.  I also bought a t-shirt.  And a mug. I'm serious when I say it's the single greatest live event I've ever attended.

... for opportunities to perform myself this holiday season. It's a nice break from music that I have to select or prepare or conduct or organize.  I'll have concerts in the coming weeks with the Knoxville Chamber Chorale (Dec. 4 & 11), Messiah Singalong (Dec. 6 & 7), and Knoxville Choral Society (Dec. 19-21).

... that I got the opportunity to attend several workshops and a reading session with Dan Forrest.  It's a really enlightening experience to hear a composer discuss his pieces and his process.  To perform his  works with a 200-voice choir, orchestra and the composer on piano - now that's just amazing.  Add to the weekend a couple of meals with fellow KCS folks and you've got something really special.

... for the physical strength to keep my body moving despite my sometimes grueling schedule.  I ran my first 10K this week and was really proud of the accomplishment.  I plan to race again in the Spring, but for now my goal is to keep up regular exercise to maintain this level of energy.

... for finally figuring out the first steps in my music education.  I decided to start at the local community college (Pellissippi) to pick up basic music education (ear training, music theory) before moving on to another local program to finish the bachelors degree.  I feel like this gives me the best flexibility for now - close to home, lots of class times to choose from, and less expensive.

... for a "day job" that is incredibly supportive of this new journey.  I have been showered with recognition of my one-year service anniversary with Humana and my boss encourages me to fulfill  my dreams and passions.  I've been so lucky to keep my salaried job while exploring this new music ministry career.

... for a family that is loving, supportive, and -best of all- independent.  I have kids who take responsibility for their own breakfast in the morning, their homework in the afternoon, and their bedtime rituals in the evening.  I have a daughter who can entertain herself at the church while I'm working and a son who is old enough to stay home and get his work done.  I have an endlessly patient husband who has doubled the nights each week that he has to take care of the kids because of the new schedule.  We went three solid weeks before I could squeeze in a trip to the grocery store and they've been real troopers about it.  (I promise, we've gone grocery shopping now!)

... that, in this time of gratitude and holiday, I was able to take Thursday and Friday off of work from both of my jobs to concentrate on my family.  I didn't even answer an email for two days.  I took time to remember that, in the midst of pursuing my calling, I can't forget my priorities.  I am rooted in the love of my husband, my kids, and my parents.

And, as I said at the dinner table on Thanksgiving...
... that I finally know what I want to be when I grow up.

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